
Extraction de composés énergétiques à partir de microalgues par application conjuguée d’impulsions de champ électrique et de sollicitations mécaniques dans un système microfluidique.

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Authors: Sakina Bensalem

Microalgae have a real potential in the innovation of the main industrial sectors such as energy, food, cosmetics and health. They are considered as a promising solution to meet future energy needs and thus enable a transition from fossil to renewable energies. Nevertheless, large scale production systems using microalgae still need improvements to become economically competitive and sustainable while preserving the environment.Thus, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate an innovative approach for the extraction of compounds of interest from microalgae and characterize their performance in terms of extraction efficiency. The effect of combining pulsed electric fields and mechanical compressions (through a dedicated microfluidic system) as pretreatments for the extraction of lipids, energy-rich compounds produced by the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, was therefore studied. The mechanisms involved, at the cellular scale, were highlighted.This project took place in the context of a collaboration between the laboratories SATIE of ENS Paris-Saclay and LGPM of CentraleSupélec Paris-Saclay.The obtained results have confirmed the potential of the technologies to improve the algal oil extraction. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the important role of the algae’s cell wall as an obstacle to an optimal extraction. A comprehensive study of the microalgae’s physiological response to pretreatments and stress conditions is proposed.