
SATIE's expertise in various electrical engineering disciplines forms the basis for a number of Masters and engineering courses.

SATIE lab is particularly involved in the training courses listed below. Our researchers teach in their specialist areas.

These courses are ideal entry points for students wishing to learn about research at SATIE or in other Electrical Engineering laboratories.

It is also possible for students from other courses to come to SATIE for their apprenticeships (internships or PhD theses).

Signal processing

The aim of this Master's programme is to train students to work in high-level scientific research fields.

The research areas covered are automatic control, signal and image processing: system control, robust control, state reconstruction, statistical data processing, model building, adaptive spatial and spatio-temporal processing, spectral analysis, time-frequency analysis, time-scale representations, compression.

The Master 2 SAR course focuses on the theoretical methods and tools needed to understand the important conceptual advances in the fields of communication theory and network theory.

The aim is to enable students to speculate on how these advances might best be applied in future generations of cooperative, mobile and flexible wireless networks.

Electronics, sensors

The ETM Master's degree trains future researchers and engineers with in-depth knowledge and skills in the fields of microelectronics, microsensors, embedded analogue and digital electronic systems and telecommunications.

Two routes are available:

  • SECI course: Electronic systems for integrated sensors or telecommunications.

  • CAT course: Components and antennas for telecommunications.

The aim of the course is to cover the various scientific aspects of embedded systems and to go into greater depth in one of them to enable specialisation:

  • Architecture.
  • Software systems and tools.
  • Industrial IT and data processing.

The course is aimed at students seeking a career in a high-tech company as well as those wishing to continue their studies with a doctoral thesis.

The Master 2 CIMES provides broad and diversified training in sensor physics, signal acquisition and processing, and data analysis. The techniques covered include X-ray, nuclear, optical, magnetic and ultrasonic methods.

The course covers applications for industry, space and the environment, medical applications, miniaturisation and virtualisation techniques, as well as modern methods of non-destructive testing and imaging in complex environments.

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Electrical engineering

The aim of the PIE Master's degree is to provide a multi-disciplinary, bivalent education in the field of energy production and renewable energies, both in physics (nuclear, plasmas, fusion, neutronics, fission, new and ionic energies) and in electrical energy engineering (production, transport, distribution, storage, materials, power systems and networks).

The Intelligent Buildings Master's degree is designed to train generalist managers at Bac+5 level, equipping them with the cross-disciplinary and complementary skills needed to respond to innovative missions (in the design, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation phases) linked to controlling the environmental impact and energy costs of buildings for industrial, tertiary or residential use.

Le Master 2 EPA forme des spécialistes de l'hybridation de la propulsion dans le domaine des transports.

Les étudiants recrutés doivent maîtriser un champ disciplinaire donné (mécanique, électrique…) et sont initiés aux autres disciplines présentes dans le système complexe que constitue un véhicule hybride.

Cette formation vise à améliorer la vision globale des systèmes et améliorer ainsi la coexistence et l'optimisation des différents constituants des véhicules hybrides.

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The aim of the course is to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to robotics, information acquisition and processing, micro-mechatronics, mechanical simulation and virtual reality.

SATIE is unique in that it has two Ecoles Normales Supérieures (ENS) among its supervisory bodies: ENS Paris-Saclay and ENS Rennes.

These establishments offer high-level Masters 2 courses in Engineering Sciences (SPI), which also prepare students for the agrégation competitive examination.

These courses are designed to provide students intending to work in higher education and research with a solid scientific grounding in a wide range of disciplines.

Masters in engineering sciences with preparation for the agrégation

In their 3rd year, students at ENS Rennes follow a multi-disciplinary master's degree in "Engineering of complex systems (ISC) teaching path" in engineering sciences, while preparing for one of the 3 options for the external agrégation in industrial engineering sciences: electrical engineering, computer science or mechanics.

The general idea is to have both a global and a specific vision of the disciplines of energy, information and mechanics.

Project-based teaching (for both educational and research purposes) is a key element of the course. This type of teaching enables students to deal with concrete examples of systems and to acquire a general technological and scientific culture in the fields of engineering sciences.

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The M2 FESUP INTRANET is a course in digital sciences. It is a theoretical and practical course covering industrial computing, networks, object programming, databases, signal processing, image processing, non-linear automatic control, Kalman filtering, analogue electronics and electronics for telecommunications.

This M2 prepares students for the agrégation externe de sciences industrielles de l'ingénieur (SII), option Ingénierie informatique (II).

The M2 FESUP PSEE is a comprehensive, high-level course in electrical energy.

The aim of the course is to develop an understanding and fine-tuned mastery of the various aspects of electrical and electronic systems: materials, energy conversion, energy storage, sensors and instrumentation, information transmission, etc.

The emphasis on experimentation (30 to 40% of training hours) means that knowledge is imparted through projects.

This M2 programme prepares students for the agrégation externe de sciences industrielles de l'ingénieur (SII), option ingénierie électrique (IE).

In addition to the research-based Masters courses, SATIE researchers also teach in a range of vocational courses at Cnam, CY Cergy Paris Université and Université Paris-Saclay.

Students on these courses often have the opportunity to receive some of their training in the laboratory during work placements, and to work on subjects related to industrial applications in fields as varied as energy, health, cosmetics, security and heritage.

Engineering diplomas

The Cnam's electrical systems engineering diploma is offered in Paris on an off-the-job basis (HTT) and in partnership in the form of two courses (Installation, Distribution and Electrical Energy and Power Electronics, Networks and Engines).

Two partnership engineering degrees have also been developed by regional CNAM centres (La Roche-sur-Yon and Beauvais).

The HTT engineering diploma is being developed by several regional Cnam centres, as well as internationally (Lebanon, Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire).

This degree provides training in the fields of electronics, energy and digital systems. Its aim is to provide graduates not only with a solid grounding in engineering professions (project management, information management, people management and economic management), but also with a solid scientific and technical background, positioning them at the heart of technological innovation in embedded systems.

Two training streams :

  • Student channel.
  • Apprentice channel.

The teaching offered is specific and tailored to the needs of industry and R&D establishments.

Professional Masters

The Master GEII is a professional Master under apprenticeship at CY Cergy Paris Université, training high-level technical managers (bac + 5) for engineering positions in the industrial world in the electrical engineering, electronics, automation and industrial IT sectors.

Master's Degree in Engineering (CY Cergy Paris Université)

The CMI TIGE is a 5-year course. Its aim is to train expert engineers capable of working in the fields of electrical engineering, power electronics, automation, signal processing, IT and industrial IT.

Graduates are expected to find employment mainly in the automotive, aeronautics, space, energy, telecommunications and well-being sectors.

One of the special features of the CMI is that it trains students in innovation, particularly sustainable innovation, in synergy with a research laboratory (project-based teaching, etc.):

  • SATIE (Information and Energy Technology Systems and Applications)
  • ETIS (Information Processing and Systems Teams)

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