Research Support Dpt.

Support for research

The management, administration, engineering and IT departments are brought together as a team in the "Research Support Dpt".

Each of the laboratory's supervisory bodies provides BIATSS and IT staff. Grouped together in the Research Support Dept, they provide coordinated administrative management across all the laboratory's sites. They also provide the technical and scientific support needed to ensure the smooth running of the platforms, IT and digital tools and research activities.


The team

Responsible : Sophie Abriet

  • Sophie ABRIET (IE CNRS, Secrétaire générale, Resp)(Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Maguette BOYE (TCH CDD Uni. Gustave Eiffel) (Sator)
  • Jennifer DENIS (TCH CDD CY Université) (Cergy-Pontoise)
  • Judenson FLEURISSAINT (TCH, CDD UGE)(Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Marielle MARET (AJTP ENS Rennes) (Ker Lann)
  • Catherine NIZERY (TCH CDD ENS Paris-Saclay) (Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Dominique BACH (IE ENS Paris-Saclay) (Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Gérard CHAPLIER (IR CNRS, Resp) (Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Flavien DELGEHIER (IE CNRS) (Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Christopher DOUGLAS (AI CDD CNRS) (Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Guillaume HERAULT (IE CNAM) (Paris et Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Ali IBRAHIM (IR UGE ) (Satory)
  • Damien INGROSSO (AI UGE) (Satory)
  • Juliette KAUV (IR UGE) (Satory)
  • Richard LALLEMAND (IR UGE) (Satory)
  • François LE COAT (IR CNRS) (Gif-sur-Yvette)
  • Tien Anh NGUYEN (IR CNAM) (Paris et Gif-sur-Yvette)