Laboratory organisation chart and bodies

The structure of the laboratory and its governing bodies

General organisation chart

Laboratory Council

Role and composition

The Laboratory Council is a consultative body that regulates the life of the unit. It may be asked to give an opinion on all issues relating to scientific policy, resource management and the organisation and operation of the unit.

It is a privileged forum for discussion between the Director and representatives of all the unit's staff categories.

  • Zoubir Khatir (Laboratory Director)

College of researchers (5)

  • Andres Arciniegas (holder) / Rita Mbayed (substitute)
  • Marie Ruellan (holder) / Sami Hlioui (substitute)
  • Loïc Martinez (holder) / Magalie Michiel (substitute)
  • Laurent Dupont (holder) / Mickael Petit (substitute)
  • Stéphane Serfaty (holder) / Mounira Bouarroudj (substitute)

College of IT and BIATTS (2)

  • Béatrice Bacquet (holder) / Tien-Anh Nguyen (substitute)

  • Dominique Bach (holder) / Flavien Delgehier (substitute)

College of doctoral students (2)

  • Gaël Pongnot (holder) / Modar Jomaa (substitute)

  • Souhila Bouzerd (holder) / Mohamed Dedew (substitute)

  • Clémentine Pignat (doctoral student)

  • Julie Fromager (doctoral student)

  • Morgan Almanza (MCF)

  • Bastien Vincke (MCF)

  • Stéphane Lefebvre (PU)

  • Sophie Abriet (SG)

  • Jérôme St-Martin (rep. DER NT)

  • Nicolas Wilkie-chancellier (rep. SIAME)

  • Stéphane Espié (rep. MOSS)

  • Frédéric Mazaleyrat (rep. MEE)

  • Eric Vourch (rep. II)

  • Denis Labrousse (rep. EPIC)

Steering Committee

Role and composition

The Steering Committee discusses all matters concerning the operation of the unit and its scientific and human resources strategy. The director may invite anyone from outside the committee to contribute to the discussions.

The Committee is chaired by the Laboratory Director and comprises the Executive Committee and the group leaders.

  • Zoubir Khatir (Laboratory Director)
  • Sophie Abriet (General Secretary)
  • Nicolas Wilkie-Chancellier (resp. SIAME)
  • To be defined (resp. CSEE)

  • Frédéric Mazaleyrat (resp. MEE)
  • Denis labrousse / Laurent Dupont ( resp. EPIC)
  • Sami Hlioui (resp. TeSE)
  • Eric Vourch (resp. II)
  • Stéphane Espié (resp. MOSS)

Strategic Orientation Committee


The Strategic Orientation Council is a forum for discussion and definition of strategic choices. Its members are tasked with taking a critical look at the scientific strategy of the teams and the laboratory. It makes recommendations that are taken up by the Laboratory Council. It meets at least every two years.

It is made up of six leading scientists from outside the laboratory (three from each scientific division). Its composition is currently being determined.