
DC-DC converter with GaN transistor and coupled with monolithic ICT sintered by PECS/SPS

Published on - EPE Journal - European Power Electronics and Drives

Authors: Adrien Mercier, Fabien Adam, Denis Labrousse, Bertrand Revol, Oleksandr Pasko, Frédéric Mazaleyrat

This paper presents an implementation of the voltage regulator module (VRM) DC-DC converter operating at 2 MHz using 3 interleaved switching cells whose outputs are magnetically coupled by monolithic intercell transformers (ICT). The innovation comes from the manufacturing of the ICTs. Spinel ferrite is sintered around two copper windings by pulsed electric current sintering (PECS), also called spark plasma sintering (SPS). The manufacturing processes are detailed in this paper, and the ICTs magnetic properties are measured. The high-frequency operation of the converter has been possible thanks to the implementation of GaN components. The power density of the converter is 15 kW/dm 3 .