Electric power
Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of On-Board Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Railway Applications
Published on - Energies
In this paper, a decoupled model of a train including an on-board hybrid accumulation system is presented to be used in DC traction networks. The train and the accumulation system behavior are modeled separately, and the results are then combined in order to study the effect of the whole system on the traction electrical network. The model is designed specifically to be used with power flow solvers for planning purposes. The validation has been carried out comparing the results with other methods previously developed and also with experimental measurements. A detailed description of the power flow solver is beyond the scope of this work, but it must be remarked that the model must by used with a solver able to cope with the non-linear and non-smooth characteristics of the model. In this specific case, a modified current injection-based power flow solver has been used. The solver is able to incorporate also non-reversible substations, which are the most common devices used currently for feeding DC systems. The effect of the on-board accumulation systems on the network efficiency will be analyzed using different real scenarios