
Diélectrophorèse de nanoparticules en système microfluidique ˸ étude par vidéo-microscopie numérique et application à l'analyse par spectroscopie optique

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Authors: Clyde Midelet

The manipulation of micro- and nano- particles in solution can be achieved through the interactions of these objects with electromagnetic fields. Emitted light, continuous (DC) or alternating (AC) electric fields can be used. In the case of a non-uniform electric field applied between two electrodes separated by a few micrometers, very intense and localized field gradients are created. These field gradients localised close to the electrodes generates a motion of the mass solution (electro-hydrodynamic effects). The charges confined onto particles at the liquid/solid interface are also subjected to motion. Suspended particles undergo an attractive or repulsive force called dielectrophoresis.This force is described in the literature for insulating particles larger than 200 nm. In this study optical detection was used (dark field videomicroscopy or microfluidic spectroscopy) to expand the range of particle size (40-150 nm) and to study their dielectrophoretic responses. Indeed, the dielectrophoresis is dependent on the size of particles, their environment and the parameters of the applied electric field (frequency, amplitude, topology). The dielectrophoresis is in competition with the Brownian motion of these gold nanoparticles. By, knowing the dielectrophoretic response of these particles in solution, it is possible to vary parameters, such as the suspension composition of the particles or the complexity of the systems studied.