Instrumentation and Detectors

Phase Inversion Temperature Monitoring with Contactless RF Impedancemetry for O/W Emulsion Optimization

Published on - COsmetic MEasurement and Testing (COMET) 2022

Authors: Natacha Guyader, Magalie Michiel, Stéphane Serfaty

The phase inversion temperature (PIT) designates the temperature for which a heated emulsion changes from an Oil-in-Water (O/W) state to a Water-in-Oil (W/O) state during a rise in temperature[1]. This important parameter is used to optimize the emulsion stability by finding an optimal storage condition or on the contrary to determine the optimal formulation for oil recovery[2]. The PIT can be affected by three main variables: formulation, composition and protocol[3], and several technics can be used to identify this singular temperature. It is mostly determined by conductometry at a macroscopic scale and it can also be followed by viscosity measurements or endothermic transition determination[4]. In order to optimize the formulation, it is interesting to evaluate the PIT accurately at a mesoscopic scale. Our work aims to identify the PIT and the inner changes taking place in O/W emulsions by monitoring the complex dielectric properties at radiofrequency (RF) range (140 MHz). A contactless RF impedance measuring device developed by the SATIE Laboratory is used[5]. This non-destructive and non-invasive technique allows to measure simultaneously conductivity (σ) and permittivity (ε) evolutions of complex fluids. The first one is directly related to the charge mobility while the second one is related to the polarizability. The ratio between the dissipated and stored energies provides information on the internal structure of the studied environment. The measurement results obtained with our RF impedancemeter are compared with those obtained by low frequency conductivity. The measurements are carried out in parallel between 10 to 90°C for eleven different chosen compositions. This comparison shows phenomena measured respectively at two scales of investigation: mesoscopic and macroscopic. This comparison helps to link the electrical evolutions inside the emulsions. These measurements also enable to monitor the stability of these emulsions over time and to correlate them with the overall structuration of the emulsions. These results were supplemented by additional observations by optical microscopy and ultrasonic rheology. [1]K. Shinoda and H. Arai, “The Effect of Phase Volume on the Phase Inversion Temperature of Emulsions Stabilized with Nonionic Surfactants,” J. Colloid Interface Sci., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 429–431, 1967, doi: [2]G. Lemahieu, J. F. Ontiveros, V. Molinier, and J.-M. Aubry, “Using the dynamic Phase Inversion Temperature (PIT) as a fast and effective method to track optimum formulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery,” J. Colloid Interface Sci., vol. 557, pp. 746–756, 2019, doi: [3]J. L. Salager, “Emulsion Phase Inversion Phenomena,” in Emulsions and Emulsion Stability, 2006, pp. 185–226. [4]V. B. Souza, L. S. Spinelli, G. Gonzalez, and C. R. E. Mansur, “Determination of the phase inversion temperature of orange oil/water emulsions by rheology and microcalorimetry,” Anal. Lett., vol. 42, no. 17, pp. 2864–2878, 2009, doi: 10.1080/00032710903137392. [5]X. Zhou, “Nouveau systeme de controle radiofréquence de micro-algues pour la santé et le bien-être,” Université de Cergy Pontoise, 2016.