Chemical Sciences

CAP’VR, un projet collaboratif pour développer des travaux pratiques immersifs

Published on - L'Actualité Chimique

Authors: Maité Sylla-Iyarreta, Marion Pommet, Guillaume Miquelard Garnier, Nathalie Lagarde, Sohayb Khaoulani, Fanny Hauquier, Jean Louis Havet, Catherine Gomez, Wafa Guiga, Mathieu Gervais, Rebeca Garcia, Sandrine Dewez, Christian Cousquer

The use of new immersive technologies is revolutionizing our way of teaching. As a result, teaching practices are changing for good to integrate these technological tools, especially in continuous vocational education and training and adult learning of which le Cnam is a major player in higher education landscape. CAP’VR (« Chimie Agro Pharma Virtual Reality ») has enabled the development of a virtual laboratory, immersive safety modules and common manipulations, thus showing the accessibility of these tools in higher education. CAP’VR is a federative project based on the dynamism and synergy between professors-researchers, pedagogical engineers and technicians and socio-economical partners, Mimbus and the task force of France Immersive Learning lab. Immersive modules in virtual reality are currently spread out in Ile-de-France territory and around a hundred people already discovered this project attending IT exhibitions. This article presents how the CAP’VR team was born, the development of the different immersive modules, and gives an example of a teaching sequence developed in the project.