Engineering Sciences

Impact of Standardized Methods Applied for Conducted EMI Estimation on the Volume of an EMC Filter in a DC Supplied Single-leg Inverter

Published on - 2022 IEEE 7th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC)

Authors: Mohsen Seddighi, François Costa, Pierre-Etienne Levy, Dounia Oustad

In order to estimate the influence of standard's recommendations on filter design, this paper discusses the impact of the absence of the line impedance stabilization network (LISN) on conducted emissions and consequently on the optimized volume of passive EMC filter in a single-leg inverter system fed by a DC supply. The high-frequency impedance of the two noise terminations, LISN and DC source, has been measured using an enhanced two-probe method under the normal operating condition. Based on measured conducted emissions and using a volume optimization technique, two EMC filters have been designed and their components values and total volumes are compared.