
Rheological monitoring for tau protein aggregation process

Published on - Biosensors 2016

Authors: Pierre Didier, Florence Razan, Emmanuel Caplain, Christian Delamarche, Stephane Serfaty, Pascal Larzabal

Alzheimer’s disease is one of thirty pathology called conformational disease which are characterized by errors folding and assembly of protein. In Alzheimer’s disease, tau protein and amyloid beta peptide are responsible of the neuronal degeneration. Understanding these mechanisms and diagnosis are closely linked to the availability of an efficient analytical concept for monitoring ex vivo self-assembly of proteins. To answer the aggregation’s mechanism, a microsystem is developed for the detection of protein tau based on the micro-rheological followed by high frequency ultrasonic waves. The sensor used is a TSM (Thickness Shear Mode) resonator operating in shear mode at a fundamental frequency of 5MHz. It is composed of a quartz substrate, where on each side of the quartz is manufactured a titanium/gold electrode. The electrodes are obtained by conventional microfabrication process, with deposits by sputtering, photolithography and dry and wet etching. In contact with the fluid to be characterized, the sensor generate shear waves, which are measured in reflection through instrumentation developed in the laboratory. From the measurement of the complex impedance of quartz with a network analyzer, the extraction of G’ (elastic modulus) and G’’ (viscous modulus) is possible. The first experiment is to detect different concentrations of one of the peptide sequence, which is necessary and sufficient for the self-assembly of the tau protein. For this purpose, concentrations of peptide between 30μM and 480μM are deposited on the surface of the sensor. The 3D conformation depends on the peptide concentration. At 30μM, the peptide is in core form, while at higher concentrations (above 180μM), it will fibrillated. Initial results indicate that our sensor can quantify, by viscosity, concentration variations of a peptide sequence of tau protein, and can differentiate, by plasticity, the conformational state.