Electric power

Steady State Performance Computation of a Synchronous Machine using Harmonic

Published on - ISIE 2010 - International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

Authors: Xavier Jannot, Jean-Claude Vannier, Mohamed Gabsi, Claude Marchand, Jacques Saint-Michel

This paper develops a method for analyzing the constant speed steady state of a three phase excited synchronous machine fed with any periodic voltages. The dq Harmonic Balance method is extended to account for back emf – linkage flux – and its time harmonics in current and torque waveform determinations. The method is applied to the case of surface mounted permanent magnet machines and to the case of interior permanent magnet machines with circumferentially magnetized magnets. Comparisons of current and torque waveforms obtained by time resolutions, finite element computations, and experimental measurements are performed and are favorable when the magnetic material linear hypothesis is verified. Moreover, the method is low computation time consuming and so it is suitable for rapid analysis of machines and for iterative optimal design procedures.