Electric power
Wiring design based on Global Energy Requirement criteria: a first step towards an eco-designed DC distribution voltage
Published on - IREED 2011
Nowadays, the global energy context leads to a need for the development of distributed Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Since most of them produce direct current while electricity flows in alternative current in the network, the energy produced by RES has to be converted. As modern electrical loads and storage systems can be potentially fed with direct current, the DC distribution scheme need to be evaluated. Then, we need to determine its specification (topology, voltage level, protection device...). Some papers have already shown the reduction of conduction losses induced by a DC distribution [1], others presented some distribution schemes [2] or efficiency analysis [3]-[4] for different voltage levels in a given case study. This paper proposes the first steps of a method for the optimization of the voltage level for a DC distribution scheme according to environmental issues, and focuses on the wire eco sizing. In a first part, we will present our global approach, i.e. the constituent which will be taken into account and the criteria which has been selected before focusing on the wiring design. In a second time, we will present the models and the case studies which have been considered to design wires. And finally we will present our results, comparing our approach with the recommendation made by French standards in our case studies and carrying out a sensitivity study about our working hypothesis.