Systèmes multisources de récupération d'énergie dans l'environnement humain : modélisation et optimisation du dimensionnement
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This work deals with the problematic of self-powered communicating electronic systems based onenergy harvesting in the human environment. This thesis addresses the sizing of a multisource generator(thermal, photovoltaic and kinetic) with energy storage. To optimize the sizing of such a systemin the context of configurable resources, generic models, adapted to a wide range of dimensions, wereestablished from existing technology, and validated experimentally. The system-level approach wasused to study the many existing multiphysics couplings to better size the system. Thus, it was shownthat optimizing the global efficiency of the whole energy conversion chain leads to solutions differentfrom those resulting from sizing optimization of each component separately. Finally, in the latter partof this thesis, a study was conducted on the impact of load profil on the sizing of the system. Thisstudy, on the particular case of a real application, highlight the potential for energy management inthe case of poor ressources, notably by adapting the load profils.