Electric power

An initialisation methodology for ocean energy converter dynamic models in power system simulation tools

Published on - 47th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)

Authors: Sara Armstrong, Darren Mollaghan, Anne Blavette, Dara O 'Sullivan

Environmental concerns, coupled with dwindling fossil fuel supplies, and growing government support, have resulted in increasing amounts of electricity generated from renewable energy. As the number of these installations rise, their influence on the behaviour of the electrical power system becomes more apparent. Transmission System Operators (TSO) carry out power system dynamic simulations in order to investigate the effect of renewable energy systems on the stability and reliability of the grid under varying operating conditions. Correct initialisation is an essential step in the dynamic model. This paper describes a three step methodology for correct initialisation of power systems dynamic model for an ocean energy system. The methodology is validated using DIgSILENT Power Factory simulations.