
Méthodologie de dimensionnement sur cycle de vie d’une distribution en courant continu dans le bâtiment : applications aux câbles et convertisseurs statiques DC/DC

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Authors: Cédric Jaouen

Since the development of roof PV systems and electric vehicles, the use of DC distribution for building has to be explored. However, an objective criterion has to be used to evaluate the interest of such distribution. While energy consumption and environmental impact criteria gain in importance, the performance quantification of such system over the use phase is not sufficient to illustrate its whole impact. That’s why we propose to tackle this evaluation through the eco-sizing of distribution component. In order to simplify this complex problem, based on a multi-criterion approach, we propose to size the components based on the minimization of their primary energy consumption over their entire life cycle. The resulting Gross Energy Requirement GER includes the embodied energy and the losses during the use phase. The objectives are to propose a methodology to determine the optimal voltage level for the building DC distribution, and also to illustrate the proposed approach from case studies. This methodology is applied on wiring and DC/DC converters.