Engineering Sciences
Low Computational-cost determination of Vibrational Behavior: Application to Five-phase Flux-Switching Permanent-Magnet Motor
Published on - IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
This paper presents a study of the vibrational behavior of a five-phase flux-switching permanent-magnet (FSPM) motor with a low computational-cost. Magnetic and mechanical models are sequentially considered to predict the acoustic noise generated by the structure. After the description of the motor, stress due to magnetic source is obtained by finite element simulations, particularly at the interface between the air-gap and the stator. Then, the most significant eigenmodes of the stator structure, obtained by finite element simulation and by experimental measurements, are presented to determine how the motor is then excited. Finally, from the knowledge of the magnetic excitations and the modal basis, an analytical model is proposed to determine the dynamic behavior of the stator outer surface, instead of a costly dynamic finite element analysis. This model is applied to the five-phase FSPM motor and validated by experimental measurements.