Gynecology and obstetrics

Sperm cryopreservation in adolescents and young adults with cancer: results of the French national sperm banking network (CECOS)

Published on - Fertility and Sterility

Authors: Myriam Daudin, Nathalie Rives, Marie Walschaerts, Véronique Drouineaud, Ethel Szerman, Isabelle Koscinski, Florence Eustache, Jacqueline Saïas-Magnan, Aline Papaxanthos-Roche, Rosalie Cabry, Florence Brugnon, Dominique Le Lannou, Claire Barthélémy, Jean-Marc Rigot, Thomas Thomas, Isabelle Berthaut, Sandrine Giscard d'Estaing, Françoise Touati, Marie-Claude Mélin-Blocquaux, Oxana Blagosklonov, Claire Thomas, Mohamed Benhamed, Françoise Schmitt, Jean-Marie Kunstmann, Patrick Thonneau, Louis Bujan