Electric power

Impact of the temperature of a power module on conducted EMI emitted by a buck converter

Published on - EMC

Authors: Kévin Loudière, Arnaud Bréard, Christian Vollaire, Francois Costa, Houmam Moussa, Régis Meuret

Predictive modelling of EMI is complex due to the large number of existing parameters and components. One of the relevant parameters is the temperature of semiconductors. This paper shows the influence of the temperature of the power module of a buck converter on the parasitic conducted emissions. An analysis of some parameters is done by simulation to show the impact of the temperature on the diode reverse recovery and on the IGBT switching times; it shows the consequences on the interference emitted in the 2-MHz-50MHz bandwidth. Up to 20MHz, simulations and measurements behave similarly with respect to the temperature variations in the range [-40°-100°C].