
A Fuzzy Controller for GPS/INS/Odm Integrated Navigation System

Published on - 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics

Authors: Mounir Hammouche, Samir Sakhi, Mahmoud Belhocine, Abdelhafid Elouardi, Samir Bouaziz

Navigation technology has an important role in designing intelligent vehicles and advanced robots. To have a continuous navigation solution that does not suffer from interruption, GPS (Global Positioning System) data is merged with relative positioning techniques such as inertial navigation system (INS) or odometry (Odm). To accomplish the reliability and integrity desired, it is therefore necessary to take into account physical capabilities and limitations of each sensor during navigation. A fuzzy switcher controller (FSC) is well suited for this task. FSC is an Expert rule-based method for choosing the best fusion from multiple redundant integration methodologies (GPS/INS, GPS/Odometry, Odometry/INS or GPS/INS/Odometry) based on navigation conditions and accuracy of the navigation systems.