Electric power
Prédiction du niveau de bruit aéroacoustique d'une machine haute vitesse à reluctance variable
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Due to its simple construction and robustness, Switched Reluctance Machine (SRM) is well suited for high rotation rates. SRM applications are however quite rare mainly because of the high level of noise this machine produces. First, this work aims to describe the noise emmitted by the studied SRM at high rotation rates. In accordance with the common understanding, it was proven that noise emitted by high rotation rates SRM is dominated by aeroacoustic noise. The aeroacoustic noise consists of the whole soundemission comig out of aerodynamic phenoma located in the air gap of the machine. Chapter two is concerned with the implementation of an estimation method for aeroacoustic noise level dedicated to the studied SRM. Aeroacoustic noise for electrical machines has not been quantitatively studied yet. Conversely, studies about aeroacoustic noise of rotating machinery (turboreactor, fan, ...) is quite abundant in the litterature. Consequently, this study focuses onrotating machinery to build an aeroacoustic noise estimation method for SRM. This estimationtool is based on a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculation of the turbulent ow in theair gap. Estimated noise levels are then compared with experimental data. Emitted noise level is estimated and measured for two distinct rotor geometries over a wide range of rotation rates. Calculation assumptions are validated by the consistency between experimental and numerical results. Asexpected, the 2D CFD simulation brings an over estimation of noise level. Finally, the fourth chapter deals with the use of the aeroacoustic noise estimation tool to study the influence of geometrical parameters of a SRM on its noise emission level.