
Thermal characterization of an IGBT power module with on-die temperature sensors

Published on - APEC 2017 - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition

Authors: Badr El Boudour Bidouche, Yvan Avenas, Mouslim Essakili, Laurent Dupont

ThermoSensitive Electrical Parameters (TSEPs) are being investigated in both academic and industrial works. Nevertheless, in several cases, the temperature evaluation obtained with TSEPs can be erroneous or inaccurate. It is therefore important to propose tools which are able to evaluate the accuracy and the robustness of TSEPs in operating conditions of converters. A solution to carry out this evaluation is to use power dies including a temperature sensor in their structure. This paper evaluates the possibility of using a commercial Intelligent Power Module (IPM) with embedded sensors in IGBT dies to evaluate TSEPs under DC and switching conditions.