
Supporting the laminated ferromagnetic pole pieces in a magnetic gear: a structure behaviour analysis from a multibody model

Published on - João Carlos Mendes Carvalho, Daniel Martins, Roberto Simoni, Henrique Simas

Authors: Melaine Desvaux, Bernard Multon, Hamid Ben Ahmed, Stéphane Sire

This paper deals with the structure behaviour of a multi-bar system which maintains pole pieces in a magnetic gear. A simplified model of the system is proposed in order to be integrated in a multi-criteria global optimization for the sizing of a magnetic gear in wind power applications. For this purpose, the reduction of the computation time is taken into account. A geometry of the supporting bar is the defined and a Q bars structure is proposed. The study is based on a 1D model for each bar; variable radial and tangential magneto-mechanical pole pieces loads (generated by permanent magnets rings) are also considered. The resolution of the 6Q*6Q system permits to determine quickly the evolution of displacements for each bar. An example of a magnetic gear with 151 pole pieces (i.e. 3,9 MW wind turbine) is proposed.