Materials Science

Dynamic Magnetostriction of CoFe2O4 and Its Role in Magnetoelectric Composites

Published on - Physical Review Applied

Authors: Alex Aubert, V. Loyau, Yoann Pascal, F. Mazaleyrat, M. Lobue

Applications of magnetostrictive materials commonly involve the use of the dynamic deformation, i.e., the piezomagnetic effect. Usually, this effect is described by the strain derivative ∂λ=∂H, which is deduced from the quasistatic magnetostrictive curve. However, the strain derivative might not be accurate to describe dynamic deformation in semihard materials as cobalt ferrite (CFO). To highlight this issue, dynamic magnetostriction measurements of cobalt ferrite are performed and compared with the strain derivative. The experiment shows that measured piezomagnetic coefficients are much lower than the strain derivative. To point out the direct application of this effect, low-frequency magnetoelectric (ME) measurements are also conducted on bilayers CFO/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3. The experimental data are compared with calculated magnetoelectric coefficients which include a measured dynamic coefficient and result in very low relative error (