
Temperature mapping by µ-Raman spectroscopy over cross-section area of power diode in forward biased conditions

Publié le - Microelectronics Reliability

Auteurs : Thierry Kociniewski, Jeff Moussodji, Zoubir Khatir

It has been demonstrated that high power devices like power diodes and IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) could remain functional after cross section. This has opened a field of possibilities for the characterization of distribution of physical quantities over vertical cross-sections of power semiconductor devices. In this paper, we used the Raman spectroscopy technique to perform the mapping of temperature distribution over the cross section area of a forward biased power PIN diode. As the mechanical stresses lead to shift the Raman peak, for accurate measurements in strained structures, it is necessary to deconvolute the influence of stress and temperature on Raman shift to measure temperature. Another solution consists in measuring the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the silicon related Raman peak. This parameter depends only on the temperature and the crystalline quality of material. By this way, it is possible to measure the temperature accurately without any artifact due to the stress. Using this method, we have measured the temperature distribution over a vertical cross section of a power diode in forward bias conditions and strained by its packaging. The residual stress in the chip cross section was also estimated at room temperature in order to validate the FWHM choice for temperature calibration.