Engineering Sciences
Synchronverter-Based Emulation and Control of HVDC Transmission
Publié le - IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
This paper presents a new control strategy for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission based on the synchronverter concept: the sending-end rectifier controls emulate a synchronous motor (SM), and the receiving end inverter emulates a synchronous generator (SG). The two converters connected with a DC line provide what is called a Synchronverter HVDC (SHVDC). The structure of the SHVDC is firstly analyzed. It is shown that the droop and voltage regulations included in the SHVDC structure are necessary and sufficient to well define the behavior of SHVDC. The standard parameters of the SG cannot be directly used for this structure. A specific tuning method of these parameters is proposed in order to satisfy the usual HVDC control requirements. The new tuning method is compared with the standard vector control in terms of local performances and fault critical clearing time (CCT) in the neighboring zone of the link. The test network is a 4 machine power system with parallel HVDC/AC transmission. The results indicate the contribution of the proposed controller to enhance the stability margin of the neighbour AC zone of the link.