Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Robust Wide Baseline Pose Estimation from Video

Publié le - 2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)

Auteurs : Nicola Pellicanò, Emanuel Aldea, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle

—Robust wide baseline pose estimation is an essential step in the deployment of smart camera networks. In this work, we highlight some current limitations of conventional strategies for relative pose estimation in difficult urban scenes. Then we propose a solution which relies on an adaptive search of corresponding interest points in synchronized video streams which allows us to converge robustly towards a high-quality solution. The experiments are performed using a manually annotated ground truth of a large scale scene exhibiting significant depth and perspective variation, uniform areas, repetitive patterns and homogeneous dynamic elements. The results show a fast and robust convergence of the solution, and a significant improvement, compared to single image based alternatives, of the RMSE of ground truth matches, and of the maximum absolute error.