Instrumentation and Detectors
RF characterization of intracellular microalgae lipids
Publié le - 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference
This work presents an original approach to sense the lipid intracellular content of microalgae, by the Radio Frequency (RF) dielectric spectral characterization of these unicellular organisms. To do so, a “homemade” open-ended coaxial sensor was associated to a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), which allowed a broadband characterization in the frequency range from 30MHz to 3GHz. The sensor combines a coaxial line with a modified SMA connector. This study shows that the lipid quantification can be determined with the complex dielectric spectra properties extracted from the reflection coefficient (S11) measurement. A calibration of the open-ended coaxial probe is performed by using three different conditions (vacuum, water, methanol) from which the complex dielectric behavior is mastered. A model inversion is finally achieved to estimate the complex permittivity spectrum of the biological samples in a large frequency range, which is related to the microalgae lipid content.