Engineering Sciences

Performances of multilayer composite materials for broadband shielding

Publié le - 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity (EMCSI)

Auteurs : Paul Clerico, Lionel Pichon, Olivier Dubrunfaut, Xavier Mininger, Chadi Gannouni, Y. Liu, Delong He, Jinbo Bai, Laurent Prevond

The paper investigates the shielding effectiveness (SE) of multilayers composite materials over a wide frequency band. First, several nanocomposite materials are characterized, and behavior laws are deduced up to several GHz. Then different arrangements involving conductive layers and composite layers are compared. Finally, a three-layer arrangement combining a magnetic material and a conductive sheet is shown to provide a high shielding effectiveness from DC to 10 GHz.