Engineering Sciences
Optimisation des profils de consommation pour minimiser les coûts économique et énergétique sur cycle de vie des systèmes photovoltaïques autonomes et hybrides - Evaluation de la technologie Li-ion
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With the intention of determining the optimal sizing on the life cycle of stand-alone and hybrid photovoltaic systems, two different ways have been investigated within the framework of this thesis. Firstly, the action on the load profile which allows us to get a closer perspective of the ideal solar behaviour of the consumer has been studied. With the same energetic service supplied to the consumer, important profits in terms of the life cycle economical or energetical costs have been put forward notably by the downsizing of the storage system. In parallel, a technological Li-ion accumulator, innovative to these photovoltaic systems, has been assessed by using the primary energetic costs of the photovoltaic system on life cycle including the ageing of its components. Due to better ageing characteristics and energetic efficiency, results have shown that Li-ion technology could impose itself in the near future as a serious competitor to Lead-Acid technology universally used at present in such systems. This work, which concentrates on low scale systems, prefigures the future of smart-grids allowing us to exploit more massively renewable energy resources such as solar and wind energy which is widely available.