Psychology and behavior

Naturalistic study of rider’s behaviour in initial training in France: Evidence of limitations in the educational content

Publié le - Accident Analysis & Prevention

Auteurs : Samuel Aupetit, Jacques Riff, Olivier Buttelli, Stéphane Espie

This paper analyses motorcycle educational content in a number of French motorcycle schools on the basis of a naturalistic study of riders’ and trainers’ behaviour. The aim is to specify the situations delivered in motorcycle schools and to study the rider’s activity in these situations. The methodology includes ethnographic observation within the motorcycle schools and the longitudinal monitoring of 14 trainee motorcyclists during their initial training. The training situations were described by the combination of audio–visual recordings and interviews data (i.e. concomitant or interruptive verbalization, and self-confrontation data). The results permit to (1) compare the 'real' and 'official' durations of track and on-road training, (2) characterize the real training situations, (3) describe the referred forms of instruction, and (4) conduct an in-depth analysis of the situations used during training in traffic. The discussion show, in first, the poverty of the training situations which are based on the repetition of the exercises in the test, and, in second, disparities between the riding situations encountered during training and the demands made by riding in natural traffic. The usefulness and the applications of this type of approach – based on the integration of the rider’s point of view notably by self-confrontation interview – for understanding real riding behaviours and how such approaches could supplement vehicle-based data are discussed in a large conclusion.