Electric power
Modélisation et optimisation des performances CEM d'une association variateur de vitesse – machine asynchrone
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Today, Electromagnetic Compatibility seems to be one of the major constraints of power electronics converters and especially for variable speed drives. Unfortunately, it is too often regarded as the last phase of the development of a converter since it represents the last step of its marketing. The estimation of conducted and radiated disturbances by simulation offers a considerable gain from the economic point of view. The main methods of the conducted disturbances estimation are treated in the first part of this memory. The problems involved in temporal or frequential simulations are highlighted in this study. An approach is then proposed on diodes rectifiers which usually consist of the first stage of converters. The assumptions, made in this study, make it possible to carry out the frequential model of a three-phase PWM inverter. The objective is to approach by "fast" simulations the conducted emission to consider optimization processes. It is then imperative to take into account the environment of the converter which implies the modelling of cables, motors and naturally filters. Finally, the first optimization of the filtering cell is carried out.