Modélisation du rayonnement électromagnétique quasi-statique des composants magnétiques de puissance - Application à la compatibilité EM
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The number of electronic devices in embedded systems is constantly increasing and their contribution to volume and weight is a major concern. In order to solve these issues, a large research effort is devoted to volume reduction and power converters' integration. This lead to constant technological evolution including the appearance of high frequency power electronic converters allowing the reduction of the volume of passive components.However, due to the increase of operating frequencies and the minimization of inter-components distances, the electromagnetic radiations generated by these systems become more important. In order to decrease this interference, EMI filters are often necessary. Their performances are often related to the value of parasitic elements in the filter which must therefore be controlled. Nonetheless most of the existing models focus on conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the impact of radiated phenomena is often ignored or greatly simplified. This work will therefore focus on developing highly accurate radiation models for magnetic components commonly used in EMI filters using both numeric and analytic tools.First, the magnetic fields radiated by differential mode (MD) toroidal coils, which belong to the basic magnetic components, will be thoroughly studied. This study highlighted the critical parameters determining the near-field topology. The main result is the discovery of the impact of the winding's layout around the magnetic core on the radiated magnetic field. New models have been developed in order to predict the radiated near field.Then, an accurate analytic model of the the magnetic radiation of common-mode (CM) chokes has been developed. It allows the prediction of the magnetic near-field. The application of the model lead to the correlation between radiated phenomena and conducted effects existing in these components. The importance of the winding on CM to DM mode coupling has therefore been highlighted.Finally, the electromagnetic (EM) susceptibility of these components has been studied. This work describes the influence of an external magnetic field on the components and validates the radiation models developed using the principle of EM reciprocity. It has been shown that the easy directions are the same for both the radiated and the coupled phenomena.