Signal and Image processing
MIMO radar in the presence of modeling errors: A Cramér-Rao bound investigation
Publié le - ICASSP 2011 - 36th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
In this paper, we study the impact of modeling error on the receiver of a MIMO radar. Following other works on classical array processing, we derive closed-form expressions of the Cramér-Rao bounds for an observation model of a widely spaced MIMO radar affected by modeling error. We show that, as the signal-to-noise ratio increases, the Cramér-Rao bound and the mean square error of the maximum likelihood estimator of the angle-of-arrival do not fall to zero (contrary to the classical case without error modeling) and converge to a fixed limit for which we give a closed-form expression. Moreover, we give a simple closed-form expression of the critical value of the signal-to-noise ratio where this limitation of performance appears.