Materials Science

Magnetic and structural characterization of nanosized BaCoxZn2-xFe16O27 hexaferrite in the vicinity of spin reorientation transition

Publié le - Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Auteurs : Alexander Pasko, Frederic Mazaleyrat, Martino Lobue, Vincent Loyau, Vittorio Basso, Michaela Küpferling, Carlo Sasso, Lotfi Bessais

Numerous applications of hexagonal ferrites are related to their easy axis or easy plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy configurations. Certain W-type ferrites undergo spin reorientation transitions (SRT) between different anisotropy states on magnetic field or temperature variation. The transition point can be tuned by modifying the chemical composition, which suggests a potential application of hexaferrites in room temperature magnetic refrigeration. Here we present the results of structural and magnetic characterization of BaCoxZn2-xFe16O27 (0.7 ≤ x ≤ 2) doped barium ferrites. Fine powders were prepared using a sol-gel citrate precursor method. Crystal structures and particle size distributions were examined by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The optimal synthesis temperature ensuring complete formation of single W-phase with limited grain growth has been determined. Spin reorientation transitions were revealed by thermomagnetic analysis and AC susceptibility measurements.