Electric power

Innovative Strategie for Eco-Friendly Printed Circuit Board Design


Auteurs : Nouh Zeggai, Morgan Almanza, Denis Labrousse, Laurent Dupont

The growing concern over electronic waste (e-waste) poses significant environmental challenges, particularly in the disposal and recycling of printed circuit boards (PCBs), which are hazardous and difficult to process [1]. Traditional PCB recycling methods often involve complex procedures that are energy-intensive and inefficient [2] . This study introduces a novel multilayer design for PCBs utilizing polylactic acid (PLA) and thermocompression techniques. This study explores the mechanical and thermal properties of three polylactic acid (PLA) variants—PLA0 (as-purchased), PLA1, and PLA2—processed for sustainable multilayer PCB designs. Mechanical testing showed that PLA0 had the best performance with a Young's modulus of 1010 MPa and a breaking point of 45 MPa, while PLA1 (850 MPa) and PLA2 (950 MPa) showed reduced stiffness. Thermal analysis via DSC revealed PLA0's Tg at 62°C and moderate crystallinity. PLA1, thermocompressed with pressure release at 40°C, exhibited a Tg of 41°C and lower crystallinity (11.87%), leading to fragility. PLA2, released at 165°C, showed improved properties with a Tg of 58°C and higher crystallinity (17.58%). Based on these findings, PLA-1 was selected for further development, and a printed circuit was successfully fabricated as a proof of concept using chemical etching. This demonstrates the feasibility of PLA-based materials for PCB manufacturing, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional designs and reducing e-waste.