Mathematical Physics

Influence of partially known parameter on flaw characterization in Eddy Current Testing by using a random walk MCMC method based on metamodeling

Publié le - Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Auteurs : Caifang Cai, Thomas Rodet, Marc Lambert

First, we present the implementation of a random walk Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG) sampling method in flaw characterization based on a metamodeling method. The role of metamodeling is to reduce the computational time cost in Eddy Current Testing (ECT) forward model calculation. In such a way, the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods becomes possible. Secondly, we analyze the influence of partially known parameters in Bayesian estimation. The objective is to evaluate the importance of providing more specific prior information. Simulation results show that even partially known information has great interest in providing more accurate flaw parameter estimations. The improvement ratio depends on the parameter dependence and the interest shows only when the provided information is specific enough.