
Gear ratio optimization of a full magnetic indirect drive chain for wind turbine applications

Publié le - Twelfth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2017

Auteurs : Melaine Desvaux, Bernard Multon, Hamid Ben Ahmed, Stéphane Sire, Aurélie Fasquelle, Daniel Laloy

This article deals with the optimization of a full magnetic indirect drive (FMID) with magnetic gears which uses an analytical model based on subdomain resolution of Laplace's and Poisson's equations of the magnetic gear. A bi-objective analytical optimization is performed with a PSO algorithm with a minimization of the mass of the magnetic parts and a maximization of the gear ratio. This intermediate optimization is a step to optimize a 6MW FMID for a offshore wind turbine with one or two magnetic gears stages. It also compares FMID magnetic parts masses with a direct drive conversion chain with the same generator topology (hybrid excitation synchronous generator).