
Étude d'actionneurs électriques à double excitation destinés au transport : dimensionnement de structures synchrones

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Auteurs : Lionel Vido

This work deals with the study of Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines and design of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines in electric or hybrid vehicle applications. This one is placed within the general framework of vehicles polluting substances. The hybrid vehicle, associated with PMSM and HESM constitutes from this point of view an interesting solution to solve these problems. Several analytical electromagnetic models (linear or saturated) of MSAP based on the transformation of Park and the use of networks reluctants intended to be integrated in structures with hybrid excitation were developed. Those make it possible to reconcile precision, speed and simplicity. An HESM was designed and carried out at SATIE laboratory answering to an hybrid vehicle specification sheet. This one could answer the specifications constraints in both terms of obstruction and performances.