Engineering Sciences

Détection de petites cibles par apprentissage profond et critère a contrario

Publié le - XXVIIIème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, GRETSI'22

Auteurs : Alina Ciocarlan, S. Le Hégarat-Mascle, Sidonie Lefebvre, Clara Barbanson

Small target detection is an essential yet challenging task in defense applications, since differentiating low-contrast targets from natural textured and noisy environment remains difficult. To better take into account the contextual information, we propose to explore deep learning approaches based on attention mechanisms. Specifically, we propose a customed version of TransUnet including channel attention, which has shown a significant improvement in performance. Moreover, the lack of annotated data induces weak detection precision, leading to many false alarms. We thus explore a contrario methods in order to select meaningful potential targets detected by a weak deep learning training.