Contribution of the polarimetric information in order to discriminate target from interference subspaces. Application to FoPen detection with SAR processing
Publié le - 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2011)
In this paper the contribution of the polarimetric information to discriminate signal from interference subspaces is presented. By using only one single polarization, it is shown that the target and the interferences responses are similar; the reduction of false alarms due to the trunk is there fore not possible. The use of double polarization allows to discriminate the target response from the interferences ones. False alarms can then be reduced. These results show that the polarimetric information greatly contributes to increase the difference between the signal and the interference subspaces. We expect to include the cross-polarizations (HV and VH) to improve the encouraging results presented here.