Contribution à l'étude des systèmes PV/Stockage distribués : impact de leur intégration à un réseau fragile
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This thesis presents the integration of the distributed energy sources (PV/Storage) connected to the electric power distribution network. The main question here is: "how to integrate and exploit these sources in order to strengthen a fragile distribution network?". To respond to this question, we started by modeling of the distribution network (domestic consumption model and low-voltage distribution network model) and a hybrid system (solar cell model, lead-acid battery model and converters models) while taking into account the losses. Concerning the PV/Storage system, a new approach of MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) is developed based on the average current passing through the diode. We also studied the three-phase imbalance by using a three-phase inverter (also called three-phase corrector). An approach of the corrector sizing is proposed based on the indirect current of three current-loads. To study the power transfer between the distributed energy sources and the network, first of all, we proposed a new strategy to optimize the energy generated from the PV + chopper + ideal battery system into the electric network. An inverter is studied in order to transfer power (in terms of active and reactive power) between an active generator and the electric network. Secondly, optimization approaches for sizing and placing distributed generators in the electric network are presented. For a fixed sizing of the PV/Storage system (the area of photovoltaic, the capacity of battery and the nominal currents of converters) as well as Storage/Inverter system, the energy flow management strategies are carried out by respecting the constraints of the network as well as the state of charge of battery. We also considered the injection from the PV/Storage system into only one node as well as into two nodes simultaneously. Finally, the optimal sizing of the PV/Storage system as well as the Storage/Inverter system are studied based on the investment cost of each component of these systems. This approach takes into account the energy flow management strategies.