
Contribution à l'étude de la transmission d'énergie à distance par µondes

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Auteurs : Boubekeur Merabet

Microwave power transmission (MPT) was first presented in the 60th as a possiblesolution to the decrease of fossil energy resources. Actually, energy problematic is not only based on the finding of new resources but also in the autonomy of mobile electrical equipments.The recent MPT researches focused in this second point and several converters were developedfor transmitting low level power at low distances.Three types of circuits were developed in this work: first one is mono-diode rectenna that converts power from 1 mW to 10 mW. The second type is a bridge based rectenna, which converts RF power up to 200 mW. The third type is an association of rectenna circuits that permits an increase of DC power.This work presents a comparison between two technologies: SMC technology, which the recent developments make its use in RF applications possible, and integrated technology witch is more and more used as an alternative to micro-strip line technology. Also, this work introduces power electronics concepts in rectenna design.