Electric power

Contribution aux développement d'outils logiciels en vue de la conception des convertisseurs statiques intégrant la compatibilité électromagnétique

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Auteurs : Cyrille Gautier

This study deals with the development of software tools for Computer Aided Design of non-isolated power static converters, taking into account Electro Magnetic Compatibility. At first, we present power components models and our contribution to printed circuit modelisation and dedicated software tools. The aim is to get equivalent SPICE simulation models. Power components models are therefore adapted in order to match E.M.C. problems requirement. Printed circuit electrical characteristics are computed using the “thin-wires” method ; this method is based on transmission line theory and is well suited to the case of one-dimensional microstrip lines. Software tools are then used for evaluation of crosstalk between lines segments, in order to build SPICE model library of PCB layout. Thus, we obtain the static converter complete SPICE model, including strays capacitances and inductances, which allow study of its E.M.I. behaviour. The good agreement between measured and simulated results, in the case of the printed circuit admittance and the spectrums of perturbations currents, shows that the method used to establish the printed circuit model is relevant. This results also shows the interest of the way used to study E.M.C. perturbations within non-isolated static converters.