Engineering Sciences

Comparison of bend-taking on thermal and electric motorcycles: qualitative studies

Publié le - 15th International Motorcycle Conference (IMC 2024)

Auteurs : Clémentine Pignat, Pauline Michel, Bruno Larnaudie, Bastien Vincke, Sergio Alberto Rodriguez Florez, Abdelhafid Elouardi, Flavien Delgehier, Franck Mars, Stéphane Espié, Abderrahmane Boubezoul

Riders of powered two-wheelers are over-represented in road accidents. Due to environmental concerns, the number of electric vehicles on the road, including electric motorcycles (EMs), will increase. However, EMs have specific characteristics and notably no gearbox; engine without sound, vibrations and inertia. The ”electric” rider would have fewer sensory cues available to him and this could put him in danger. This raises the question of the transition from thermal motorcycles (TMs) to EMs. To start investigating the issue, two exploratory studies were carried out during the ANR research project eMC2: ”Electric motorcycles and road safety”. EM experts and EM novices rode instrumented EM and TM, providing a significant objective data set to compare riding behaviors. This data set was supplemented by subjective data notably on mental workload. The results show a fairly rapid adaptation to EM for most of the participants. They also show an increase in mental workload when novices were riding an EM. Novices reported being more disturbed by the differences in sensory cueing between TM and EM than experienced riders. This trend, which needs to be confirmed by future studies with non-professional riders, suggests the need for awareness raising and even specific training during the change from TM to EM.