
Commande d'un micro cogénérateur Stirling

Publié le - Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés

Auteurs : Isabel Garcia Burrel, J. Boucher, Sandrine Le Ballois, F. Lanzetta F, Eric Monmasson, P. Nika, Jean-Paul Louis

This paper introduces a Stirling micro-cogeneration system that connects a "double-effect" Stirling engine with a linear induction generator. The connection is done via the engine's piston that serves also as the secondary (rotor) of the generator. First of all, the system is described using a Bond Graph approach representing, graphically, the power flow of the system and its causality. Then, a steady state model of the engine is presented in order to synthesize a coprime H/ controller with loop-shaping that ensures its robust stability and desired performances through the resistant effort created by the generator on the piston