
Characterisation of silicon carbide schottky diodes and COOLMOS transistors at high temperature

Publié le - PESC 04 - IEEE 35th annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference

Auteurs : Laurent Dupont, Stéphane Lefebvre, Zoubir Khatir, Serge Bontemps, Régis Meuret

The highly doping level of the base region of COOLMOS transistors allows higher temperature operations than with conventional silicon transistors having the same blocking voltage. In this paper, the temperature influence on different SiC Schottky diodes and Silicon COOLMOS transistors characteristics is discussed. Comparisons are made between SiC Schottky diodes and Si PIN diodes and beween IGBTs, low voltage MOSFET and COOLMOSTM at high temperature. Results on the leakage current indicate the ability of SiC Schottky diodes and Si COOLMOS transistors to be used at temperature about 200 °C. The paper will present results on the behaviour of SiC schottky diodes and COOLMOS transistors in the on-state and in switching operations. Switching behaviour is analysed in a buck-chopper working in single shoot condition. Results show that temperature has a great influence on the on-state performances of the tested devices, but that the switching performances of SiC Schottky diodes and COOLMOSTM transistors are not significantly modified at elevated temperatures.