Materials Science
Anisotropy of the ferromagnetic L1 0 phase in the Mn-Al-C alloys induced by high-pressure spark plasma sintering
Publié le - AIP Advances
The metastable τ-phase of MnAl equi-atomic compound belongs to a family of ferromagnetic alloys with L1 0 crystal structure. Stabilization of the phase by adding 2 at. % using manganese carbide (Mn 23 C 6) enhances the magnetization in relation with the increase in lattice volume. It is thus a promising candidate for rare-earth-free permanent magnets. Coercivity of Mn-Al-C alloys being still weak, there is an interest to see to which extend sintering/transformation of the-phase by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) can increase the coercivity and the anisotropy. The structural and the magnetic properties were studied for samples sintered at 550 • C under uniaxial pressure of 100, 200, 300 and 400 MPa. Coercivity, remanence and anistotropy appears with the sintering pressure. The high pressure applied while sintering produces preferential orientation of the flake-shaped grains which influences the remanence.