Electric power

3D Analytical Model for a Tubular Linear Induction Generator in a Stirling Cogeneration System

Publié le - IEEE IEMDC 2007

Auteurs : Pierre Francois, Isabelle Garcia Burel, Hamid Ben Ahmed, Laurent Prevond, Bernard Multon

This article sets forth a 3D analytical model of a tubular linear induction generator. In the intended application, the slot and edge effects as well as induced current penetration phenomena within the solid mover cannot be overlooked. Moreover, generator optimization within the present context of cogeneration has necessitated a systemic strategy. Reliance upon an analytical modeling approach that incorporates the array of typically-neglected phenomena has proven essential to offering greater computational and analytical flexibility. This article will describe the electromagnetic model of the generator and draw comparisons with a finite element model, in addition to identifying the elements of equivalent electrical diagram and displaying results from the multi-objective optimization study performed using a genetic algorithm.